BinDawood Holding

BinDawood Holding Company announces obtaining a Sharia compliant Murabaha Financing

BinDawood Holding

BinDawood Holding Company announces obtaining a Sharia compliant Murabaha Financing

Element List Explanation
Introduction BinDawood Holding Company announces obtaining a Sharia compliant Murabaha Financing from Emirates NBD Bank to partially fund the acquisition of 100% of the shares in Zahrat Al Rawdah Pharmacies Company LLC.
Date of obtaining the funding 2025-01-29 Corresponding to 1446-07-29
Financing entity Emirates NBD Bank-KSA
Financing amount. 300 Million Saudi Riyal
Financing duration. 3 years, with the option to settle before the due date
Guarantees offered for the financing No guarantees offered
Financing objective To partially fund the acquisition of 100% of the shares in Zahrat Al Rawdah Pharmacies Company LLC, alongside utilizing internally generated cash flows
Related Parties No Related Party


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