BinDawood Holding

BinDawood Holding announces an update regarding the signing of agreements for the acquisition of shares in Zahrat Al Rawdah

BinDawood Holding

BinDawood Holding Company announces an update on the company's announcement regarding the signing of a share sale and purchase agreement for the acquisition of 100% of the shares in Zahrat Al Rawdah Pharmacies Company LLC by the issuance of the non-objection certificate from the General Authority for Competition.

Element List Explanation
Introduction Reference to BinDawood Holding Company’s announcement published on 03/11/2024G corresponding to 01/05/1446H regarding the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Zahrat Al Rawdah Pharmacies Company LLC with a total transaction value of SAR 444.1 million. Accordingly, the company is pleased to announce that it has obtained a non-Objection Certificate with respect to the completion of the economic concentration transaction relating to the Acquisition of Zahrat Al Rawdah Pharmacies Company on 31/12/2024G corresponding to 30/06/1446H.
Previous Announcement BinDawood Holding Company announces the signing of a Share Sale and Purchase Agreement with Planet Pharmacies Limited Company and Kawakeb AlSaydailyat Company LLC for the acquisition of 100% of the shares in Zahrat Al Rawdah Pharmacies Company LLC in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, based on equity valuation of SAR 444.1 million.
Date of Previous Announcement on Saudi Exchange’s Website 2024-11-03 Corresponding to 1446-05-01
Hyperlink to the Previous Announcement on the Saudi Exchange Website Click Here
Latest Developments Of The Announced Event The issuance of the General Authority for Competition non-objection certificate with respect to the completion of the economic concentration transaction through the Company’s acquisition of 100% of the share capital of Zahrat Al Rawdah Pharmacies Company LLC.
Reasons For The Delay on The Date of The Event Previously Announced Not Applicable
The costs associated with the event, and if they have changed or not with indication of the reasons. The company is investing an amount of SAR 444.1 million by acquiring 100% of the shares of Zahrat Al Rawdah Pharmacies Company LLC.
Delay consequences on the Company’s financial results Not Applicable
Additional Information The Company will announce the completion of the Transaction or any other material development(s) in due course.


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BinDawood Holding

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