In accordance with the conditions, controls and requirements contained in the Companies Law, the Corporate Governance Regulations and the registration and listing rules issued by the Capital Market Authority, and in accordance with the policies, criteria and procedures for membership to the Board of Directors of BinDawood Holding Company (attached).
The nomination request shall comprise:
1. An application to the Company of the candidate’s desire to apply for Board membership and his/her willingness to undertake the responsibilities associated with the membership of the Board.
2. Complete the required Forms released by the specialized authorities. (Form 1 and form 3 – attached).
3. Attach the resume of the applicant
4. Attach copies of his/her qualifications and experience in the Company’s business sector.
5. Attach a statement of the companies’ Boards of Directors where he/she was a member.
6. Attach a statement of the joint stock companies where he/she is still a member of the Board of Directors.
7. Attach a statement of the companies where he/she participated in the management or ownership thereof, and that conducted activities similar to those of the Company.
8. Attach a copy of the National Identity Card / Family Register; in addition to the candidate’s contact numbers and Email Address.
9. The candidate shall submit a certified Arabic translation of any documents written in a foreign language.
The voting for the membership of the new Board will be limited to the nominees who have satisfied the mentioned terms, conditions, and standards in this announcement, whereby the Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall consider the selection of candidates based on that and on the basis of educational qualifications, practical experience and familiarity with the Company’s activities, as well as the Corporate Governance Regulation pertaining to composition of the board which refer that at least one third of the members are independent and the majority are non-executive.
The cumulative vote will be used to elect the members of the Board of Directors. |